Tuesday, 17 January 2017


 Image result for Gods rebuke

A few weeks ago, a certain American pastor stood on a pulpit and uttered the harshest rebuke to gay people. There were various reactions from people about her method of delivery and you all know I like to keep people with different opinions around me. Some hailed her for speaking the truth with courage, while others said that harsh rebuke could not have come from God.

We have this idea that Gods rebuke is always gentle and soothing. God cannot possibly shout and scream at a person. Apparently we have forgotten that time when Jesus walked into the temple, whipped people and overturned tables.

In Acts 12 vs 23, King Herod was struck by an angel of the Lord because He did not give glory to God.
(for those who think God somehow changed His personality and mellowed out in the new testament, this happened in the new testament)

Never mind the various times the children of Israel were rebuked by God in the harshest manner you can possibly imagine. We choose to believe that Gods rebuke will always come with a comforting hug and maybe some candy.

In Job 5:17 he says: Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects; Therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. For He bruises, but He binds up;
HE BRUISES, but He binds up. 

Don’t get me wrong here; I’m not defending the pastor mentioned above for what she said and how she said it. I used her as an example because the reactions from fellow Christians around the world were very intriguing. I saw the two types of Christians out there. Those who read the Bible and embrace ALL of Gods character as it is, and those who read the Bible and only embrace the parts of God that make them feel warm and fuzzy inside.

There is no one way for God to rebuke a person. Especially one in a leadership position. To whom much is given, much is required. When God gives you a title, a position, a territory, He also expects a lot more from you. He expects you to set an example, as someone who is representing God. If you fail in that aspect, His rebuke might not be so kind and gentle.


  1. Awwww Tina, your blog posts are a Wednesday bible wrapped in truth!!!!
