One of my favourite pastors L.Spencer Smith wrote “There’s a
facilitation of the heart that should only be reserved for those who can handle
the “nakedness” of your true self. You are responsible to discern that which
qualifies to have access to that precious inner sanctum from which the issues
of your life flows. You don’t owe everyone access there and never be guilted
into giving it to those who don’t measure up. Lock your pearls and your peace”
You see folks, the people you keep in your inner circle
should be carefully chosen. This is something even Jesus understood and
applied. He chose 12 disciples, but even within those 12, He had 3 that He was
closer to than the rest. These were the 3 that He took with Him to the garden
of Gethsemane when He was about to be crucified. We can find this story in
Matthew Chapter 26 from verse 36. This was His trying hour, the hour when He
was weak and full of sorrow. These are the men He chose to be with Him at that
Not everyone in your life should be granted access to your
innermost being. Now, I need you to understand that choosing people in this
manner does not make you a bad person or a snob, neither does it mean that the
people you have left out are bad people. It simply means, you are aware of the
fact that you need to have the right people in your inner circle.
Most times, the people in your inner circle can determine whether
you move closer to God or away from Him. We will discuss this more deeply in
the next post. The people in your inner circle will either influence you to
reach your potential or they will hold you back. You need to have people who
not only embrace and support you, but will also correct you when you are wrong.
You need people who will challenge you to grow as a person and will not
celebrate your mediocrity.
Late pastor Myles Munroe once told a story about how when he
was a boy, in primary school, he came home one day excited to tell his mum that
he was top of the class in a recent test they had taken. His mother took one
look at the report and shook her head; she said “you’re top of the class with
73%. You’re not smart, everyone else is just stupid”.
Now, it may sound harsh
coming from a mother to a young boy buy she was trying to teach him something.
People who encourage and celebrate your mediocrity are poisonous to your growth
as a person. It is not okay for you to be mediocre, it is not okay for you to
have bad manners, it is not okay for you to be a stagnant and luke warm
Christian, it is not okay for you to settle for less than what you are capable
of and it is definitely not okay for you to play around with your life. The
people in your inner circle must know this and they must hold you accountable
and help you stay on the right path.
Not everyone deserves or qualifies to listen to your
problems, to witness you falling apart in a moment of weakness. Even in your
moment of anger, not everyone deserves or qualifies to listen to your thoughts
in that moment. I have learned the hard way, to be careful who I vent to when
I’m going through something. Some people are just listening so they can be
entertained; others listen so they can repeat what you said to whoever else
might be interested; the worst people, listen so they can use it against you
later on.
Pastor Jay Patrick wrote down some guidelines on how to
choose your inner circle. You need:
At least one person who loves you unconditionally
At least one person that’s smarter than you
At least one person who appreciates your gifts/talents
At least one person who is unimpressed by your gifts/talents
(to keep you grounded)
At least one person who has accomplished more than you
At least one person who is brutally honest
At least one person who is older than you and full of wisdom
There is no limit to how big your inner circle should be.
Jesus chose 12, and then had 3 in another smaller inner circle. I know that finding all those people
mentioned above is not easy in this day and age, but I’m sure if we really
tried, we can tick some on that checklist.
I cannot stress enough the importance of choosing your inner
circle carefully. There are many times when I have seen someone in a certain
situation and thought to myself “you need new friends”. I have seen people go
unchecked and uncorrected by their chosen inner circle, who instead choose to
“appease ignorance with their silence”.
I implore you all to evaluate your inner circle and do not
be afraid to remove people if you see that they do not qualify. This is your
life, your potential, your destiny. You only live once. It is up to you to make
sure you are living that one life, with the right people.