Monday, 5 December 2016



If you want to upset a self-righteous person, tell them that God chooses. There is nothing that upsets religious, self-righteous people more than the idea that there might be someone more sinful than they, that God is going to use. See, self-righteous people carry their title like a badge of honor. They expect God to use them in a big way; they expect to be first in line going to heaven. If anyone is going to be anointed or chosen even, it should be them.

We read plenty of stories in the Bible about people chosen by God. Abraham, Moses, Joseph, David…

All of these people were chosen by God to do something for Him. There were many other people in the world, but God chose those ones. His choice wasn’t because they were perfect or because they were saints. Abraham slept with the maid, Moses was a stutterer who also killed someone, Joseph had a habit of bragging about his dreams. The list goes on and on. Either way, these people were chosen.

Why then, is it so hard for people to believe that even these days, God chooses? There are people God has chosen for a particular purpose. Everything about those people’s lives, happens according to that purpose. That, however, should not inspire envy or even offend anyone.

If you’re going to live holy, live righteous, you should do so because you have a genuine love for God and want to walk according to His laws, not because you want and expect a golden medal or special calling.

In fact, God is more likely to use that imperfect sinner, because if a ‘holy’ person is used by God to do something big, their pride will swell. They will think that it is because of their holiness that God has used them. God will not share His glory with another.

This should serve as an encouragement to all those who feel they have led lives that are less than Gods standard; they have made mistakes and fallen many times. God can still use you.

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